Collin Conedy
Las Vegas, NV
Team Nevada
November 22, 1984 - December 03, 2017
It is "Collin's Hope" that everyone registers to be an organ, eye and tissue donor, and that someday a cure is found for the hereditary heart defect that has taken the lives of five male members of our family. Because Collin was a registered organ donor two people received the gift of sight and many other lives have been enhanced from his bone, tissue, ligament and tendon donation.
Collin was the youngest child of four siblings. He was a loving husband and father to my two beautiful grandchildren, ages six and ten. Collin was a fun loving young man that loved and lived life to the fullest. He enjoyed the great outdoors; hiking and camping with family and friends. His favorite quote was, "Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who wants you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile & who LOVE YOU no matter what".
As Collin's father and 9 year Heart Transplant Survivor, I have experienced being a heart recipient, caregiver and Donor Dad. I have lost my Dad, two Brothers, a Nephew and now my Son to this dreaded cardiomyopathy heart disease, and it is my prayer Collin's Hope is realized in my lifetime so that my Grandson will be able to live a Long, Health and Happy Life! 🙏🏾