Aric Brill
Las Vegas, NV
Team Nevada
January 29, 1993 - February 20, 2009
Aric Brill's Legacy
I never met Aric, his life was cut when he was only 16 years old. But now, I feel I know him since the day I met his lovely mom Karen. I've heard many stories of Aric, every time Karen speaks about him I see and feel all the love and all the pain at the same time when she shares about him, about his childhood and about how he was enjoying life with his friends, and how he decided to be an organ donor, just days before someone took his life. Aric just turned 16 when he told his mom about donating his organs if something happen to him, he wanted to save lives, and as a kidney recipient, I know how important it is when someone says Yes.. I also never met my donor family, but Karen is like family, even there is no direct connection, we became attached at the moment we met, because there was something in common to share, my life was saved for a hero, and an Angel like Aric, who his wish of saving others lives, was granted by his beautiful mom and dad. After my transplant, I decided to live and honor not only my donor, but all of those who saved others lives through organ donation, and Aric has been part of my adventures, either climbing a mountain, or crossing the finish line in every event I compete during the TGA and WTG. And as I always say.. Donors Rock!! and Aric does rock!!!.. 6 of Aric's organs were donated including his heart who saved Louis.
Karen and I we are both volunteers and speak about organ donation, and as Karen says: Sharing our story and experiencing how Aric has changed so many lives heals my own heart and makes me a stronger person. I will never forget that life is so precious, and so are the memories of our beautiful and loving son."