David Charles Starr
Independence, MO
September 05, 1971 - January 26, 1991
Outstanding Young Man
David was a very talented, smart, and funny young man, While in high school, he was elected as a Student Council officer, and was an accomplished drummer in the concert, marching and pep bands. He enjoyed his time as a yell leader, and was an excellent soccer player. He attended the University of Missouri on a "Bright Flight" scholarship. At the time of his death he was a sophomore in the Engineering program. His car was broadsided, while he was driving to the college bookstore to purchase an engineering book. After his death he was able to donate his heart (which provided 18 years of good health for the father of four children), his corneas, and tissues, which provided blessings to as many as 50 people. David has three brothers, and he is dearly missed by them, and his mom.
After David died, his brother Kit attended the Transplant Games with me, and he decided that he would be a living kidney donor. At the time, he said, "If David had been dying because he needed an organ instead of being in the car accident, and someone did that for us, just think how different our lives would have been". The living transplant gift was given to an acquaintance in March, 2003. They are now very close friends.