Esther Elizabeth Daw
Chesnee, SC
Team South Carolina
June 02, 1998 - February 11, 2017
Daughter, Sister, Mother & Friend!
From the start of her beautiful life...those eyes! Full of life...hope...love. She had a gorgeous smile. She could go from 0-60 in just a split second...then reality of the harshness of living in the real world. She so wanted to adventure & to assist any critter that needed help....a true Ellie Mae Clampett! We'd have to stop to rescue turtles crossing the road at a moment's notice! :-) She was only 18 when the accident occurred...gone too soon...with a 4 1/2 month old baby girl. She left us a wonderful gift in Mila Grace...the privilege of raising her has taken the edge off, as well as knowing her life gave 3 other families the miracle that had been praying for! We'll look for you in all the beautiful corners of God's Creation sweet girl! You are missed!