Michael Samel
Woodridge, IL
Team Illinois
March 16, 1965 - October 06, 2001
Michael, Our Miracle Gift from God
Michael David Samel was born into this world on March 16, 1985 to the lyrics of Amy Grant’s song “It’s A Miracle” a healthy baby boy in spite of his mother’s challenging pregnancy, almost miscarriage, and hemorrhaging during delivery. On October 6, 2001, a single vehicle traffic accident sent Michael into God’s arms and eternal life.
He was a wonderful son, brother, grandson, uncle, nephew, friend, scout, drummer / percussionist, musician, boyfriend, DJ, “Buddy”, “Bear”, “Chatch”, “Iced-Out Czech” and so many more names and nicknames we love. Happy and full of life, wise beyond his years, and always helping someone with something special like a ride, a party, a fireworks display, or anything that was special and required his special “Michael” magic. Extra-curricular activities at school, such as student council, drama club, and speech teams kept him busy and involved with his many close friends.
He was truly a child of God, and although here on earth for a short time, he touched so many lives. Michael loved the outdoors and spent much of his time in scouting from Tiger Cub to working on his Eagle Scout rank and project with his Mom, an Assistant Scoutmaster close by his side, even to the extremes of Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota, and white-water rafting and rappelling in West Virginia He loved cars, and was a fanatic about keeping them clean, waxed, and so, so shiny!
Michael was extremely active in music from an early age, and enjoyed singing, dancing, and playing piano, drums, and percussion instruments. He was an active participant in the Downers Grove South High School concert and jazz bands as well as the Marching Mustangs, and the Praise and Worship Band at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. His love for music continues today as “The Michael David Samel Spirit of Music Fund” a non-profit corporation, has been created, honoring his memory and provided music scholarships and equipment to local high school students since November 2001.
When Michael passed his driver’s license test, he decided to become a registered organ donor in Illinois. We received a letter in the mail advising us that because of Michael’s gift of organ donation, a young man from Chicago is able to see, and over 22 others received organ and tissue gifts. And remember, the next time you hear drums, great music, or see an act of kindness for no apparent reason, you can be sure that Michael is close by and showing you how he loved and lived life to the fullest. We miss him every moment, everyday